Expansion of protected areas

Over 50 000 ha of land under communal ownership is earmarked for the expansion of protected areas on the Upper Umzimvubu catchment. Together with conservation authorities and partner NGOs, negotiations were undertaken with traditional authorities to establish the protected area on land under their jurisdiction. ERS was instrumental in catalyzing this concept through a Green Trust grant in 2017, and links most of its activities as incentives for participation by traditional authorities and their people. The protected area is expected to strengthen local management of natural resources while upholding local rights through contractual agreements. Furthermore, the protected area expansion will encourage the flow of investment into the area, creating jobs from ecotourism and associated business enterprises, as well as improving ecosystem services such as provision of clean and adequate water for communities. Through the UCP platform, ERS occasionally brings in experts to share with communities natural connectedness and how natural systems bring in ecosystem services.       


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