Spring protection and waste management
ERS supports the protection of natural springs for the provision of clean and adequate water to local communities within the watershed. The project has seen communities spearhead spring protection, and springs that once ran dry due to alien plant infestation are flowing after clearing. The approach is based on involvement of local artisans to help with simple construction, using local materials under the technical guidance of ERS supervisors, at a cost of around $10 per person to access water for life. Over 40 000 people now have access to a reliable water source within 1 000 m of their homes, aligning with World Health Organization (WHO) global standards.
Spring protection and improved water quality
ERS has enabled securing of communal water sources for residents through the protection of over 44 natural springs. WWF, through various corporate partners including Nedbank and PepsiCo, supported ERS spring protection projects. ERS has also built local capacity for the preservation and maintenance of these vital water sources. This has ensured communities’ access to clean drinking water for both people and their livestock, leading to improved livelihoods, better health, and overall well-being.